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Hey Babes. Thank you for being here and welcome to my blog.

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um, hey there.

The last 6 months of 2017 were um, how should I say this? SHIT. I was honestly in a low place, and unsure of my next life move. You see I was miserable in a job I THOUGHT was going to be "the career" you know the one you love to get up a the butt crack off dawn for, the DREAM JOB, the one I spent god knows how much to learn about. Yeah, that one.

Absolutely miserable, but I loved what I was creating. I was meeting people all over South-Central Kentucky, writing news stories, and seeing my face on T.V. Which was something I had always dreamed of, something I told my parents when I was very young that I was going to accomplish, and I still wasn't happy. Things happened and I was no longer working my "dream job." Even though I was miserable there, I was STILL super upset, confused, scared, and lost. My creative outlet was gone, or so I thought.

You know, the end of the world stuff.

Sometime in February of 2018, I came across an Instagram account The Authentic Woman Series, founder Ashton Long Smith. I'm unsure what drew me into the account but I clicked the link, and scrolled down a little to see "GIVEAWAY." I've never won anything, but I decided to enter anyways. Yep, you guessed it, I WON. In the giveaway, I received Volume 2 of the interactive series "Bravery Rising." In this volume women were speaking their truth, sharing the deepest insecurities, failures, victories, and everything in between. This is the moment that I broke, I felt a little sigh of relief, I felt something SPARK, and I knew what I wanted to do. I began to do the interactive part of the series, the question and response section. A way to get your mind flowing in a creative way. And it just clicked. I wanted to find a way to share myself, through companies that I love, I wanted to document my adventures and share them with the world. I basically wanted to do everything these bloggers I followed on instagram were doing, but in a way that made me happy.

You know, when the genie said "just beeeee yourself." BUT BIGGER. I knew it was going to be a rough journey before I even started, but the first step is to start right? So, here we are a little over two years now, I am currently working with 4 local brands to bring my followers, the content they deserve; skincare, fashion, fitness, adventure and more.

This blog is a HUGE work in progress. Honestly, I'm kind of just going with the swing of things. I haven't really sat down to create more than an instagram caption, and a picture in a long time. Please be patient with me, don't be too hard on my grammar, it's no where near perfect. And.. I hope you find something your looking for in my little corner of the internet. Be on the lookout for fashion ideas and tips, skincare routines, plenty of adventures, music playlists, movie recommendations and more. I'm so thankful you are here. Drop where you're from below. I'd love to get to know you all.

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