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Bored in Quarantine?

Do you like taking pictures? Do you have a camera or an iPhone? Have you recently bought an outfit that you can't wear out because we are stuck in QUARANTINE? I have the perfect solution to your boredom, and so you can show off that outfit babe! I call them QUARANTINE MINI SHOOTS.

(EASY DIY BACKGROUND: Use newspaper, or magazine cutouts to make a collage.)


And here's what you need:

1. Get ready, makeup, outfit, hair WHATEVER makes you feel amazing. This photoshoot is for you, remember that.

2. Find a cute backdrop; whether that be the wall, a blanket, a sheet, you can get really cute wrapping paper from the dollar tree, your bed, anything that goes well with your outfit. You want to make sure your background is decently plain if your outfit has a lot going on, or some wild pattern (thats to make sure you stand out in your photo.) If you want the design of the photo to more focused on your background, go with less of a pattern and more plain clothing, you can always add accessories to jazz up the outfit a little.

3. Grab your iPhone or your camera set them up to a tripod. If you don't have a tripod you're going to need to get creative. You can stack books, dvds, or records on top of one another to balance your phone or camera on. Find anything that you can sit in on thats STABLE, and won't fall in the middle of your perfect shot. Set up your self timer and get to snapping.

5. Make sure to try different views, angles, you can even look up some ideas for poses on Pinterest, and Instagram.

4. After you're done snapping your photos, I'm sure you'll want to do a little editing. Here are some apps to use to edit your photos:


2. Lightroom

3. Photoshop

4. Snapsneed

5. Remember you can use a single background for multiple outfits, so if you want to get some of your instagram content out of the way, take advantage and switch it up. Add different accessories and props to give each outfit switch a totally different vibe. You can even edit photos differently like I did here.


I just recently turned 31, and since I couldn't go to the bar or out to eat a nice dinner :( I decided I would have a birthday themed QUARANTINE MINI SHOOT! All of the decor; the happy birthday sign, balloons, birthday princess sash, white poof balls, the wall backdrop (it's wrapping paper), and the cute fan in the middle picture I purchased at THE DOLLAR TREE. And all for under $10. You can honestly create some magic for cheap just by being a little extra with the props.

Let me know if you all decide to try a QUARANTINE MINI SHOOT, drop a comment and one of your finished photos below so I can see your work! Remember to always have fun, and go out and create some magic!

EXTRAS: I have a remote control for my camera and a bluetooth remote for my iPhone its a small investment but helps a ton.

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